What we are up to

Ross Sutherland and Glti.ch

24/10/11 Live
by Nathan Jones

Part of Mercy's Overlap programme exploring shared territory across music/writing/performance - and massive cocktailey rave up.

@ Elevator Studios cafe/bar, Parliament Street
Thursday, 27th October

Embrace the glitch. An evening of lo-fi, cut up and new technologies
Daniel Rourke and Kyoung Kim connect karaoke sessions between London and Liverpool
plus a brand new film-loop commission from Ross Sutherland.

Supported by Arts Council England


Ross Sutherland
The internal monologue of popular culture.

In a brand new commission for Mercy, part of Ross's 2012 Edinburgh show, Ross Sutherland presents a new format where he delivers poetry over a well known clip of tv, on a loop and 'data-mashed', presenting a variety of poetic inferances and interferances on popular culture.

Glitch Karaoke
A worldwide hyper-trend in the making.
Join us, as we hook up London and Liverpool in a GLTI.CH Karaoke explosion.

Come and knock back a few drinks, request a few songs and get ready to sing duets with your Liverpool brethren (no pressure: join in whichever way you can). As a project that seeks to set up unnecessarily-elaborate portals of amateur singing, GLTI.CH Karaoke posits that there is discernible value & joy in:
1. the collective stumbling & frustrations met in the face of tech limits, language barriers & time zone differences
2. oblique experimentation &
3. embracing & folding in "errors" in future iterations versus seeking to "overcome" or eradicate them.

GLTI.CH asks to be written & rewritten as cracks, bruises & mistranslation errors gather & proliferate through pop songs & datastreams, as people are GLTI.CHed together.

For more info see http://glti.ch/ and http://www.meanwhilespace.com/