What we are up to

Ross Sutherland: Experiment to Determine the Existence of Love

17/11/09 Friends
by Nathan Jones

As the risk of spilling a ’spoiler’ across the hypersphere, Mercy are very proud to host a little teaser of some of Ross Sutherland’s content for the Wave If You’re Really There show More


Mercy present at TAXED, A-Foundation, Liverpool

13/11/09 News
by Nathan Jones

This evening I’ll be doing a short presentation at the ’slide slam’ at A-Foundation in Liverpool.  Hopefully I will say at least one interesting thing, and maybe raise a chuckle More

Mercy and FACT mentors

Mercy and FACT mentors for the next generation of zinesters!

On Thursday afternoon we’re starting our three month zine mentoring project for a group of creatively-savvy young people on FACT’s Freehand programme More

Dog Days #14

by Nathan Jones

Dog Days is a serial about Richie Pen, his mutt, Ken, and his mysterious partner, Bob. Dear Bob, when Kenny has his head and neck stretched across my thigh and he looks off into the middle distance, it’s like he is a disillusioned fop from the 18th century, slowly becoming aware of his own mortality... Oh, he goes, I am but a wiff. And though you feed me I will waste away. And though you take me.. More

Dog Days #13

by Nathan Jones

Dog Days is a serial about the plight of a dog walker, Richie Pen, and Kenny, his dog.Dear Bob, about every fourth person you meet in the park is tapped. Puddled, you call it. Either way, it is inappropriately large dioramas of cartoon characters tattooed on your calf. And/or it is jogging round the park in army boots the day you give up smoking, going, I’m turning myself around! Whatever, as they.. More