What we are up to

Site news!

by Nick Holloway

Hoo-ee. I've let the pace drop round here lately, particularly after being credit-crunched (bah) and having to look for a new job. But thanks to Richie Pen for keeping the tumbleweeds at bay with up his consistently lovely Dog Days diary.

We're in the process of marshalling a few new contributors to keep things steady round 'ere: Kathryn Cooper, star illustrator back in the steam-powered days when we were knocking out Mercy on a printing press, will be joining us posthaste, and we've got a new series of interviews with poets, artists and curators from around the country called (provisionally) 'My Hero'. On Wednesday, meanwhile, our agony uncle Chris Hicks will be applying his universal fix-it salve to another poor bugger's problems, and making us all richer in the process.

Stay tuned!